



♬..♩~ ♫. ♪..

OTLF举办了第六届青少年慈善音乐会,英狮教育作为年度赞助为孩子们举行颁奖仪式,致力为安省的慈善事业做出贡献。杰出青少年领导力基金会(OTLF)是于2017年注册成立,OTLF 的目标是将青少年通过社会慈善公益活动和加拿大主流精英和领袖对话。


Ballroom Dance



Hip Hop Dance













“Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests,

Good evening. It is truly an honor to be here at the charity concert organized by OTLF. First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to share with you why I am committed to the annual sponsorship of OTLF.

I have always observed that our Chinese community's children tend to engage less in activities beyond their immediate surroundings. This limited interaction with other communities makes it challenging for us to amplify our voices. Even after three generations of Chinese Canadians, the opportunities for meaningful interaction with the mainstream community remain scarce. I have a lifelong aspiration - to see my students stand on the true stage of Canada, to seamlessly integrate into the mainstream.

Secondly, the primary goal of annual sponsoring OTLF is rooted in a desire to instill a sense of long-term altruism in every child participating. While you may be like those born in Rome, there are countless others who may spend their entire lives without glimpsing such a city. Fostering a value system that involves continuous support for others is crucial. Your future mission is not just about survival; it's about contributing to the well-being of others and genuinely helping to uplift the community.

The reason I specifically requested to present an award alongside Princess Margaret is deeply personal. My grandmother succumbed to cancer, and it ignited in me a fervent desire to contribute, in my small way, to the ongoing battle against this devastating disease. I believe that each step we take brings us closer to triumphing over cancer and alleviating the suffering of countless individuals.

In conclusion, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the mentors, the generous children who contributed, the dedicated parents behind them, and each guest present tonight. Your collective presence has added another layer of love to the world. Together, let us continue to make a positive impact, inspire change, and foster a world where compassion and support thrive. Thank you!”


“今天非常荣幸来到OTLF主办的慈善音乐会,首先分享下为什么希望长期赞助OTLF。我自己一直觉得,我们华人群体的孩子们都比较喜欢在自己的社区活动,和其他社区的互动非常的少,就导致我们希望传递我们的声音的时候,就比较困难,即使到现在为止,已经在加拿大三代的华裔群体,和主流可以互动甚至走入主流的机会很少。我一直有一个人生愿望,就是希望我的学生们,可以站在加拿大真正的大的舞台上。我也会全力支持学生们做工作,支持他们建立社会责任感,这些孩子们都是为慈善作出了卓越的贡献。其次,作为OTLF年度赞助最大的目的之一,因为在座的每一个孩子,你们就是那些出生在罗马的人,但是这个世界上有很多人,可能奋斗一辈子都见不到罗马,所以,建立一个长期的帮助他人的价值观非常重要,因为你们未来以后的人生使命也并不会只是生存,而是为更多的人带来福祉,真正的帮助社区造福社会。我之所以这次特别想和Princess Margret一起颁奖,就是因为我自己的姥姥因为癌症过世,我希望我也可以用我自己小小的力量,让人类攻克癌症这条路上再走一步。最后,谢谢导师们,谢谢捐款的孩子们,谢谢背后付出的家长们,谢谢到场的每一位嘉宾,世界因你们而多了一份爱!”







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