
招新啦 | 跨代互动团队诚邀青少年义工 !
MHMH工作团队 MHMH心理成长平台
- 跨代互动小义工团队(9-12年级高中生):你将成为我们跨代互动团队代际之桥的一份子,每周与老年人互动,组织各种有趣的活动,如每日英语教学、社交媒体使用、美图秀秀软件、全民K歌、网上购物指南等,帮助老年人学习新技能,减轻孤独感,促进身心健康。你的热情和陪伴将让他们的生活更加丰富多彩。2. 义工团队领队Team Leaders(在校或已毕业大学生):
- 计划、组织、安排跨代互动项目的各项活动,确保活动内容丰富多彩
- 管理和安排所负责义工小组的日常工作
- 招募、培训、督导所分管的跨代互动小义工团队,帮助他们发挥潜力
- 定期召开义工小组会议和团队建设活动,维持友好互助的工作环境
- 协调义工之间的合作,确保项目的顺利实施和圆满完成
- 高中生:我们将为你提供完整的义工证明文件,或根据学校标准版本提供相应的义工证明材料,以便你在学校获得应有的认可并满足高中毕业义工服务时数要求。
- 大学生:我们将为你提供实习证明,同时支持你完成学习要求的评估文件。这些文件将成为你毕业和未来就业、继续深造的有力支持。
- 加拿大本地工作经验:通过参与我们的项目,你将获得宝贵的本地工作经验,这对于将来的求职会有重要的帮助。
- 我们还将为表现优异的志愿者提供Reference Letter,为你在求职和升学过程中增添竞争力。
BIG Project Volunteering Program
Youth Volunteer Needed
If you are between 14-30 years old (inclusive)If you speak Mandarin or Cantonese
If you are passionate about building social connectionsIf you enjoy working within a team
If you enjoy being creative and taking initiativesHere is an opportunity for you to shine!
What is this volunteering program about?
The BIG project aims to build inter-generational connections, reduce seniors’ social isolations, and promote overall well-being.
Many seniors who immigrated from China wish they could establish stronger bonds with the younger generation and learn about local culture through the unique eyes of young people. With the COVID-19 pandemic, many sniors couldn't visit their children, grandchildren or participate in recreational activities as much as they used to. Instead, they sit at home, feeling lonely and disconnected.
Right now, you have the opportunity to make their lives more fun and fulfilling while gaining valuable knowledge and skills that would benefit your academic and professional careers!
Role Summary
This is a remote position where almost all duties are performed virtually. All volunteers will work within volunteer teams, each of which consist of three or four members. Teams will be responsible for daily communication with seniors via texts and voice messages on WeChat. Volunteers will also take turns to plan and host inter-generational workshops on topics of common interest. The objectives of these activities include teaching English, networking, story-sharing and skill building. Attending one monthly virtual group meeting is required and volunteers will get volunteer hours and a certificate.
What kind of people we are looking for?
●dependable, committed and punctual
- courteous and personable when working with seniors
- self-directed and willing to take initiative
- able to respect and maintain confidentiality of others’ identity and personal stories
- proficient in Mandarin, both speaking and writing
Deadline to apply: open until filled
Age: 14-30 (inclusive)
Location: remote
Hours: shift schedule, at least 3 or more hours/week,
Commitment: at least three months
Language Required: Mandarin
If you are interested, please scan the QR code to apply