



We are looking for a volunteer photographer or videographer to capture moments at our Words. Matter Campaign Launch and Forum in Toronto, ON! This exciting event will be held at the ETFO Head Office.


Harmony Movement

Harmony Movement 旨在通过互动式的多元化和公平教育,推动青年成为社会变革的领导者。我们培养同理心、批判性思维,并鼓励采取行动,打击刻板印象、偏见和歧视。




Harmony Movement promotes equity, 

diversity, and inclusion through interactive 

programs that empower youth to become 

leaders for social change. We foster empathy, critical thinking, and encourage action against stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.

Mission: Educating and inspiring youth to develop an equity lens and leadership skills for social change.

Come be part of a movement that makes a 



•  倡导与人权

•  儿童与青少年

•  教育与识字


Cause Areas:

Advocacy & Human Rights

Children & Youth

Education & Literacy



09:45 AM - 03:00 PM

📍 地点:136 Isabella St., 多伦多, ON M4Y 0B5, Canada


Date & Time: Mon, Oct 21, 2024
09:45 AM - 03:00 PM

📍 Location:
136 Isabella St., Toronto, ON M4Y 0B5, Canada


* 我们可以提供两台单反相机和灯光设备。虽然我们是非盈利组织,无法支付费用,但我们很乐意为您提供午餐作为感谢!即使只能抽出一小时的时间来帮忙,我们也非常感激!如有兴趣,请分享之前的作品链接!


No prior training needed!
We can provide two DSLR cameras and lighting equipment if needed. Although we are a non-profit with no budget to pay, we’d love to offer you lunch as a token of appreciation! Even if you can only help for an hour, we would greatly appreciate your time! Please share a link to your previous work if interested.
