
01 沃顿商赛
沃顿商赛是由美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(U.S News本科商学院TOP1)官方举办的沃顿体系商业比赛及商业实践项目,沃顿商学院(The Wharton School)创立于1881年,是美国第一所大学商学院,也是世界上历史悠久学术声誉首屈一指的商学院。该学院走出过众多知名企业家,惠普公司首席执行官、特斯拉创始人埃隆•马斯克、股神巴菲特等。
The Wharton Global High School Investment Competition, abbreviated as "WGHS" in English, is a free online investment competition for high school students in grades 9-12 worldwide. For students aspiring to enter top-tier programs in economics, finance, mathematics, and statistics, WGHS is undoubtedly the most prestigious and valuable stepping stone!
The Wharton Business Competition is officially hosted by The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania (ranked as the top undergraduate business school by U.S. News). Established in 1881, The Wharton School was the first collegiate business school in the United States and remains one of the most historically prestigious and academically distinguished business schools globally. The school has produced many notable entrepreneurs, including Hewlett-Packard's CEO, Tesla founder Elon Musk, and the "Oracle of Omaha," Warren Buffett.
The 2024 Wharton Global High School Investment Competition registration and team formation will soon be open. Join us to compete for the prizes!
02 沃顿商赛比赛形式?
沃顿全球高中投资竞赛是面向高中生(9 至 12 年级)和教师的免费在线投资模拟。学生以 4-7 人为一组,由老师作为他们的顾问进行指导。他们一起学习团队合作、沟通、风险、多元化、公司和行业分析以及投资的许多其他重要方面。
每个团队学生可以在 10 周的时间内买卖股票,制定投资策略,分析行业和公司,并使用 100,000 美元的虚拟现金建立投资组合,在模拟平台上投资。所有交易都在 WInS(沃顿投资模拟器)上进行。WInS 是一种基于网络的股票市场模拟,它允许学生在动手学习环境中应用投资和投资组合管理的概念,同时使用真实世界的数据,而无需冒真钱的风险。
The Wharton Global High School Investment Competition is a free online investment simulation for high school students (grades 9 to 12) and teachers. Teams of 4-7 students are guided by a teacher serving as their advisor. Together, they learn about teamwork, communication, risk, diversification, company and industry analysis, and many other important aspects of investing.
Target Audience: High school students aged 14-18
Team Composition: Each team consists of a mentor, a team leader, and members; the mentor teaches business and financial knowledge and familiarizes the students with the competition rules; the team leader is the only person with access to the OTIS virtual trading system; each team member, including the leader, is responsible for a specific sector.
Each team can buy and sell stocks, devise investment strategies, analyze industries and companies, and build a portfolio with $100,000 in virtual cash over a period of 10 weeks on a simulation platform. All trades are conducted on Wharton's Investment Simulator (WInS), a web-based stock market simulation that allows students to apply concepts of investment and portfolio management in a hands-on learning environment, using real-world data without the risk of real money.

03 沃顿商赛含金量
• 沃顿商赛是全球最高等级、最权威的高中生投资类比赛,通往顶级藤校的敲门砖,提升学生能力。
• 在商学院的教学模式下,学习经济、金融、风险、投资、财务和分析等多元化方面。
• 获得沃顿商学院证书和全球总决赛等荣誉,有机会获得沃顿商学院官方证书,以及沃顿教授、华尔街投行导师签发的推荐信,为大学申请简历增加竞争力。
• 结识来自世界各地优秀的同龄人,培养管理和团队协作等重要技能,积累初始人脉。

The Wharton Global High School Investment Competition is the highest-level and most prestigious high school investment competition globally, serving as a stepping stone to top Ivy League schools and enhancing student capabilities.
Under the teaching model of the business school, students learn diversified aspects such as economics, finance, risk, investment, finance, and analysis.
Participants can earn a certificate from The Wharton School and honors such as placement in the global finals. They also have the opportunity to receive an official certificate from The Wharton School, as well as recommendation letters signed by Wharton professors and Wall Street investment banking mentors, enhancing the competitiveness of their college applications.
Meet outstanding peers from around the world, develop important skills in management and team collaboration, and build initial networks.
04 英狮专业老师
• 牛津大学 经济和管理学士(牛津最难录取专业之一)。
• 高中SAT满分,曾拿到UC Berkeley,UCLA,Duke University等美国名校offer。
• CMO数学竞赛全加拿大排名前50。
• 拥有超过15年的投资行业从业经验。
• 管理个人私募基金。
√ 认为高中生利用好自身的优势,做股票的投资回报率可以超过绝大多数华尔街基金经理
• Major of Economics and Management from the University of Oxford (one of the hardest programs to gain admission into at Oxford).
• Perfect SAT score in high school, received offers from prestigious U.S. universities including UC Berkeley, UCLA, and Duke University.
• Ranked in the top 50 in the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad (CMO).
• Over 15 years of experience in the investment industry.
• Manages a private investment fund.
√ Believes that high school students, by leveraging their strengths, can achieve stock investment returns that surpass the majority of Wall Street fund managers.
05 沃顿商赛课程信息
1. Valuation Methods 估值方法
1.1 Financial Analysis 财务分析
1.2 Intrinsic Valuation 内在估值法
1.3 Relative Valuation 相对估值法
2. The Value Investing 价值投资
2.1 Investment Philosophy 投资理念
2.2 Portfolio Management 投资组合管理
2.3 Understanding Companies 了解公司
3. Beating the Street 战胜华尔街
3.1 Advantages of High Schoolers
3.2 Disadvantages of highschoolers 高中生的缺点
3.3 Beating the Street Using Advantages
3.4 Complete steps to choose your stocks
上课时间:周六5:00-6:00/6:00-7:00 pm(温哥华时间,仅两个班)
06 英狮会帮助学生们:
√ 英狮学员可以通过英狮免费报名,如果人数不够的,英狮会帮助大家组织队伍。
√ 英狮会开设帮助大家准备沃顿商赛的专门课程,授课老师由牛津大学经济管理背景的私募创始人亲授,报名咨询英狮学术顾问老师。
√ 英狮会开设世界Top30 商学院背景的老师作为团队负责老师带领全程指导,仅限五支队伍,报名咨询英狮学术顾问老师。
√ Uforse students can register for free through Uforse. If there are not enough participants, Uforse will help organize teams.
√ Uforse will offer a specialized course to help students prepare for the Wharton Global High School Investment Competition, taught by a private equity founder with a background in Economics and Management from Oxford University. For registration and consultation, contact the Uforse academic advisor.
√ Uforse will provide teachers with backgrounds from the world's top 30 business schools to lead and guide the teams throughout the competition, limited to five teams. For registration and consultation, contact the Uforse academic advisor.