
Tony: 我是Tony,毕业于多伦多大学,双专业药理学和免疫学,现在在读研究生,主要方向是药物研究与开发。我很擅长的课程包括化学,生物,微积分和英语。我在英狮有主要教授英语口语,雅思,微积分,和一些大学申请相关的课程。
My name is Tony, I graduated from the University of Toronto double majored in Pharmacology & Immunology, and currently studying a post-graduate program in Pharmaceutical Drug Research and Development. Some of my favorite courses include Chemistry, Biology, Calculus and English. I teach courses such as oral English, IELTS, Calculus, and University Application Preparation Courses.
Q:听上去是很有趣的专业! 药理学/免疫学相关的专业,拿到Offer很难吗?现在有很多同学在英狮做大学申请,可以请你介绍一些相关的项目以及大学申请要准备的材料吗?
Tony: 因为药理学和免疫学是多伦多大学有标签Type 3 Subject post,它需要学生们在大学第一年获得较好的成绩才能继续选择。为了能在大学期间做得足够好,其中很重要的一点是提前学习相关的内容,在学期开始前就做好先修准备。尤其对于想要学习生命科学相关的同学,提前打好基础,并且努力在夏休时期提前学习一些化学,生物,微积分相关的知识,会非常重要。
Since Pharmacology & Immunology are Type 3 Subject-Post at the University of Toronto, it generally requires the students to perform well during their first year at the university. In order to do well at the university level, one of the most important thing to do is to pre-learn the material before the start of the school year. Therefore, it is absolutely essential for prospective life science students to have a strong foundation and possibly to study ahead during their summer break in Chemistry, Biology and Calculus.
Tony: 是的,我有学习过类似的项目叫做TOPS, 是在安省等同于AP或者IB项目的。我的普遍成绩都有大90分。
Absolutely, I did some of these courses in a program called TOPS, which is equivalent to the AP or IB program here in Ontario. My general scores are in the high 90s.
There are a lot of different strategies that can be used to score well in Math and Biology and I have a lot of past experiences helping my students to succeed in it. One of those strategies is to stay ahead of the curve. What I mean by that is to take preparation courses to help the student to understand some of the important concepts and to understand the tactics on solving exam questions, so that the student can score well when the school year comes. For example, in the Uforse biology SBI4U preparation courses, I would focus on some of the key topics based on the latest Ontario Curriculum, such as biochemistry, metabolic processes, molecular genetics, homeostasis, and population dynamics. Furthermore, I would explain how each concept will be utilized in various branches of the life sciences and related fields.
Tony: 有很多高中生同学可以参加的竞赛。就我个人来说,我有参加过滑铁卢的数学竞赛,Pascal, Cayley, Fermat and Euclid竞赛是我们熟知的。如果能获得相关的证书,一定能增强申请相关大学专业时的竞争力。
There are a lot of contest that high school students can participate in. Personally, I have done the Waterloo Math contest, such as Pascal, Cayley, Fermat and Euclid. The certifications will make any perspective university candidate a stronger applicant.
注: Pascal, Cayley, Fermat and Euclid Contests帕斯卡,凯莱,费马和欧几里德竞赛,滑铁卢大学主办,9年级及以下下的同学可以参加帕斯卡竞赛,10年级及以下的同学可以参加凯莱竞赛,11年级及以下的同学可以参加费马竞赛。
Tony: 我非常高兴能在英狮教授无数的学生,教学的每一个环节对我来说都是特别的,有益的和充满鼓舞的。我对教学有很强的热情,我的目标是帮助我的学生充分发挥他们的潜力。见证一位学生成功地完成他的大学申请,或者帮助学生们在学习中取得重大的进步,通过他们自己的努力获得成绩提升,都很令我难忘。
I have had the pleasure to teach countless number of students at Uforse, yet each one of the teaching session has been very special and rewarding to me. I have a strong passion in teaching as it has always been my goal to mentor students to achieve their fullest potential. Some of the most memorable stories would include a successful live interview session for the university application or witnessing one of my students making significant progress and improvement through dedication and hard work.
Tony: 我加入英狮因为它提供给我很多指导学生的机会,尤其是帮助学生们适应从高中到大学的过渡阶段。我也曾和他们一样经历过这些,我希望我自己的经历能帮助他们解决一些难题。
I joined Uforse because it provides me with the opportunities to mentor students through the difficult high school to university transition time. I was a student in their shoes once and I would like to share some of my life experiences with my students to help them resolving some of these difficulties.
Tony:我的大学生活是很愉快的经历。首先,我遇到了很多棒极了的朋友们,他们让我的大学生活 变得有趣。其次,除了学习外学校里有很丰富的资源可以使用,比如去体育中心游个泳,在king’s college这一片玩免费搭乘或者参加各种聚会。最后,多伦多大学会给予你很丰富、巨大的学术支持,可以有机会参加教授指导的研究项目。
My University life at U of T had been a pleasant experience. First, I get to meet a lot of amazing friends that made my university years fun and enjoyable. Secondly, there are a lot of on campus resources that students can utilize to take a break from their academic study sessions, such as taking a swim at the athletic centre, playing pickup freebie at the king’s college circle or simply join in on a party. Lastly, the amount of academic support from U of T is tremendous, where I had the opportunity to join in on research projects and to be mentored by professors.
Q: 你对未来的发展有什么想法吗?在繁忙的大学学习中,工作、生活怎样保持平衡呢?
Tony: 我觉得在工作、生活中需要有适当的优先次序,这样我能放松我的思维,并且更有效率地工作。我闲暇时有很多爱好,比如跑步,锻炼,游泳,打网球,打篮球,和朋友/家人一起旅行。我对未来的职业规划之一是,作为药物研发的研究人员,去发现更好的治疗方法,改善患者的生活质量,降低成本,使药品成为对于所有人都能支付得起的东西。
I believe in the proper prioritization between work and lifestyle, so that I can relax my mind and be able to work more efficiently than before. There are a lot of thing I would like to do during my spare time, such as running, working out, swimming, playing tennis, basketball, and going on road-trips with my friends/family. One of my career goal is to work as a researcher in pharmaceutical drug development, in order to discover better treatments to improve the quality of life for patients and to find a cost reduction method to make medication more affordable for people all around the world.
Q:希望老师的理想能早日实现lol 谢谢老师的采访时间!