大学申请文书如何“反套路”? 这样写才对!

大学申请文书如何“反套路”? 这样写才对!








Q:Hi Erin, thank you for accepting our interview. Could you please introduce yourself to our fellow students?

Hi, thank you so much for having me! I am a student within Rotman Commerce at the University of Toronto specializing in Management with a minor in Economics and Contemporary Asian Studies. I am involved with the Rotman Commerce Advancement office as an ambassador, as well as being the Director of Marketing at the University of Toronto Korean Commerce Community. I have a strong passion for reducing stigma surrounding mental health and mentoring other students.

我是Rotman Commerce的一名学生,主修管理专业,辅修经济学和经济学与当代亚洲研究。我目前在Rotman Commerce Advancement 担任大使的职务,以在Rotman商学院韩国学生学群担任市场总监 。对于心理健康以及指导其他学生我有非常强烈的兴趣与热情。



Q:You teach a lot of university application subjects in Uforse Education, which one is your favorite to teach and why?

您在英狮教育教授许多大学应用学科,您最喜欢的学科之一 是哪一个?为什么?

My personal favorite university application subject to teach is for Rotman. Other than obvious reasons of me being a student myself, I appreciate the various types of questions Rotman presents. I believe that every application, both in the written and spoken form, needs to tell a story about who you are and what kind of skills you have. The Rotman application asks questions that highlight this, and although it is difficult, I have seen my students grow the most through this application process.


Q:大学的补充申请中,您在国际学生写作时看到的最常见问题是什么 ?

What is the most common problem you see on International students when they are writing supplementary applications for universities?


One common problem that I notice among students is that they tend to include unnecessary information within their applications just to fill the word count. The word count that each school provides is the space for students to fully elaborate on their experiences and express themselves to the best of their abilities. Thus, including ‘fluff’, or irrelevant information takes away from the storytelling aspect of the application.
Q:What is your suggestion to your students on improving their video interview skills?
I often see students lack confidence during video interviews. I notice they tend to doubt their existing skills and abilities, which often leads to hesitation. I think students should trust themselves and know that with practice they are more than capable of successfully completing the interview with confidence!

Q:University application season is starting, any other advice on how to do well in the

supplementary applications?大学申请季节已经开始,有关如何在大学中补充材料取得良好成绩的其他建议吗?


Like I mentioned before, confidence is key to everything! One additional advice I would give is to read over your essays with time in between. Go for a nice walk, refresh your mind, then read over your writing. This can decrease stress and make it easier for you to spot mistakes and make better edits.

Q:Anything you want to share about your university program? (Or university life, work life)



Rotman is definitely busy, and it is difficult to keep up with many extra-curriculars, work, and school at the same time. However, if you are eager, there are many activities to take part of and you will never be bored! I also love the community of students and faculty members at the University of Toronto.

Rotman商学院学习肯定很忙,很难跟上许多课外活动。但是,如果你希望参加课外活动的话,可以尽可能的参加一些活动,很多活动都非常有意思!我也非常喜欢和多伦多大学的同学们和教师社区 多伦多大学的成员们相处!



Q:What else do you want to say to your students who are applying to universities this year?




I wish everyone the best of luck! Everything happens for a reason, and regardless of the results I guarantee that your efforts will be worth while.





· 小狮子寄语 ·


“If applicants have a really amazing supplemental, [with grades] a little bit lower than the cut-off, we would have another look at them and discuss them,” “Conversely, we could have students with a really high average and not good supplementals, and refuse them. Students have to have both.”——Jeffery Trapp






