Rotman Impact Report

The rise of new technologies and approaches to thinking about the future of work means that every new startup, and even every new employee, has the potential to have a major impact on the way we live and work.

We don't just want our graduates to be prepared for this change - we want them to be at the forefront of change, bringing meaningful innovation and leadership to Canada and the world at large.

Over the next five years, new resources and energy are poured into our programs, through new initiatives aimed at incubating innovation and entrepreneurship, developing professional skills critical to success, and developing students with a truly global mindset .

We are enabling our graduates to embody the change they want to create.

Mentors, teachers and supporters play a vital role in inspiring the next generation of talent.

This report outlines our activities over the past two years and highlights the impact of donor support.

An interview with the founder of British Lion

The leadership endowment allows us to establish new awards and scholarships that leverage the success and generosity of our community to reinvest in young Rotman School business talent.

John Shi (BCom '17) and the thousands of hours of volunteer service that U of T alumni provide students each year make the Rotman School of Business an unparalleled education. Enabling the next generation of Rotman Business School business talent to thrive.

John Shi (BCom '17), a recent graduate of the Rotman School of Business, started an educational career as a student.

Now John Shi wants to establish a new scholarship to recognize the leadership and volunteer service of Rotman Business School students.

Ulion Education is an educational consultancy that assists international students with the additional skills they need to succeed in the wider business world.

"Our company is doing pretty well and is fully funded by U of T graduates, so what do we want to do for our school and Rotman Business School students?"

2016 - 2018 Rotman Impact Report

高中规划背景提升Package - Uforse Education
高中规划背景提升Package - Uforse Education
High School Planning Background Enhancement Package

High School Planning Background Enhancement Package


Consult us for specific prices

Academic Advisor WeChat ID: UforseAC

Project Introduction:

Through the senior planners of Ulion (Ted Talk speaker, MBA of business school, Rotman Business School director and other famous school tutors), the students will be regularly and comprehensively planned, and academic goals will be set. , internship projects, business competitions and other participation quotas to ensure high-quality volunteer/internship/Project course opportunities for students, eliminate useless background improvement and waste time, and accurately provide high-value academic/non-academic background improvement activities for students’ professional needs.

Project Highlights:

- Conduct regular 1v1 planning sessions with senior planners from prestigious schools, and customize growth plans according to student goals

-All-round course selection planning and guidance, and issue a course selection report for the whole year

-Provide students with a variety of student union/society/volunteer/internship opportunities to enrich the background of university application

-Provide high-quality letters of recommendation, and have the opportunity to organize activities led by a Ulion planner

- Activity background sorting, personal resume sorting and follow-up

-Enjoy the VIP price of the background booster course

For people:

G10-G12 Students with weak application background and few extracurricular activities

Students who want to improve their leadership and practical ability by participating in high-quality background improvement projects

Students who are confused about major and university planning and need professional planners to plan and sort out