High school teacher advice


欧几里得数学竞赛 (全称Euclid Mathematics Contest)是由滑铁卢大学数学与计算机学院为全球高中生举办的数学竞赛,是加拿大中学阶段最具含金量、最受认可的竞赛,被称为“数学界的托福”。滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)拥有加拿大唯一,也是北美最大的数学学院。欧几里得竞赛自上世纪70年代开始举办,最近五年已经可以达到每年有来自两万名以上学生参加,我们95%的学生都获得了竞赛奖项!

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College application interview essays, amazing answers to the interviewer

Video interviews are increasingly being used in the application process for top universities. They are an important way for admissions officers to get a more comprehensive understanding of applicants’ academic background, personal interests, and future plans. Compared to traditional written applications, video interviews are more flexible and give you the opportunity to show a more personalized side.

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Top business school video interview tips and tricks: how to prepare?

Many top universities have introduced college video interviews in the application process, which is an important way for admissions officers to get a more comprehensive understanding of applicants' academic background, personal interests, and future plans. Compared with traditional written applications, video interviews are more flexible and give you the opportunity to show a more personalized side.

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The University of Toronto's Faculty of Engineering introduces eight major programs

Chemical Engineering

Basic introduction: Chemical Chemical Engineering is a multidisciplinary program that combines chemistry, biology, mathematics and design to solve global challenges and create innovative processes and products.

Professional characteristics: As one of the top chemical engineering majors in Canada, the University of Toronto School of Engineering is at the forefront of research in developing renewable fuels, using biotechnology to remove pollution, sustainably producing products, and making artificial organs. Students will put theory into practice in courses and laboratories, including a unique unit operation laboratory filled with large industrial equipment and a two-story distillation tower.

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Suggestions from Rose, a graduate student at the University of Toronto

Teacher Yvonne from Queen's University Business School