OSSLT Ontario Provincial Examination Contents and Techniques, How to Pass Quickly?

OSSLT Ontario Provincial Test
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
OSSLT Provincial Examination Contents (Ontario Graduation Requirements)
The exam is divided into two 60-minute sections
Have a break in between, or do it on two different days at different times
33 questions in total
31 selective response questions (multiple choice, checkbox)
2 open-ended questions
OSSLT Provincial Examination Question Types
Real life narrative:
Includes reading material and seven selective-response reading questions.
Information paragraph:
Includes reading material and six optional response reading questions.
News report:
Includes reading material, an open-response question
Five selective-response reading questions.
Includes reading material and five optional response reading questions.
Writing optional answers:
Includes eight selective-response writing questions.
Opinion articles:
An open-ended answer consisting of a series of paragraphs supporting a point.
OSSLT Provincial Examination Short Essay

OSSLT includes two types of short writing tasks:
Type 1: Answer based on your personal experience
• There is no right or wrong.
Type 2: Based on content in the test
• Be sure to include information that directly relates to the text and incorporates
My own opinion.
OSSLT Provincial Examination Course Class
This course is preparation for taking Ontario Secondary School Literature
Test (OSSLT) designed for students . it includes the past
Reading examples, classroom activities, analysis and
Practice to help students improve their reading and writing skills ,
To prepare for the OSSLT exam.

OSSLT Provincial Examination Course Outline

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