At Ulion, you can be carried by multi-university tutors who are proficient in five languages!

Hi! My name is Shadman Rafiq, I am currently an undergraduate student from the University of Toronto, studying in my final year. I am in Health Science program, majoring in Health Policy and Canadian Studies. I am a Dean's List student for 2 years in a row now at the University of Toronto (dean's list = honor roll).
I moved to Canada just before high school at the age of 14, living in Toronto my entire time here.
I speak English, Hindi, Bengali and Urdu and am in the process of learning Spanish. I am interested in learning different languages as it will help me assimilate in many countries with ease, and would like to learn to speak French and Mandarin in the future as well!
I am a huge sports fan, and am always open for a discussion on Basketball and Football. I love watching TV shows and Movies, so if anyone has a good recommendation let me know! I love to travel, which is unfortunate now since we had to spend the summer indoors basically. Those are all my hobbies!
Hi! I'm Shadman Rafiq, currently a senior undergraduate student at the University of Toronto, my major is Health Sciences, majoring in Health Policy and Canadian Studies. I have now been on the Provost's List (Provost's List = Honor Roll) at the University of Toronto for two consecutive years.
I moved to Canada before I was 14 and lived in Toronto the entire time. I speak English, Hindi, Bengali and Urdu and am learning Spanish.
I am very interested in learning a different language as it helps me to integrate easily in many countries and would like to learn to speak French and Mandarin in the future as well!
And I'm also a sports fan and especially enjoy discussing football and basketball games with my friends. Also, I love watching TV shows and movies, so if anyone has a good recommendation, please let me know! I love to travel, which is unfortunate because we basically have to spend our summers indoors. These are my hobbies!
Q2: You teach a lot of subjects in Uforse Education, can you introduce a few of them? (can say something like why you are good at certain subjects like Essay editing, Uni apps, AEC, IELTS)
You have taught many subjects in Uforse education, can you introduce some of them?
I am primarily a University Applications Instructor and have taught classes for every single major Ontario and BC university's supplementary application process. I have conducted both video recordings and written forms, highly experienced in all areas of University Applications. I have gone through the Ontario application process myself when applying for universities, and with the hundreds of hours I have spent guiding our students through the application process I have pretty much memorized every university and it's requirements during it's application process. My personal and professional experience with applications handling makes me a great fit for Uni apps.
I also teach Essay Editing and AEC Level 2 and Level 3 writing. As a policy student, there is a lot of analysis and writing in my educational field. I have had several years and thousands of written texts worth of experience in Canadian English, writing at the highest levels of post-secondary education. Due to my high writing skill and breadth of experience, I have also worked at my university's writing center and peer-review group, helping fellow students polish up their written work to the best of my ability . Once again, my accolades and years of experience working with professional and academic writing makes me a great fit for Writing and Editing courses.
I am primarily a university application lecturer and have taught the supplemental application process for every major university in Ontario and BC. I have very experienced video recordings and written recordings in all areas of the college application.
Having gone through the Ontario application process myself when applying to colleges and having spent hundreds of hours guiding our students throughout the application process, I have memorized almost every college and its requirements in the application process.
My personal and professional experience in application processing makes me a perfect fit for Uni APP.
I also teach English Academic Writing and AEC Level 2 and 3 Writing. As a policy student, there is a lot of analysis and writing in my educational field. I have several years and thousands of written words experience in Canadian English at the highest level in post-secondary education.
Due to my superb writing skills and vast experience, I have also worked in university writing centers and peer review panels to help my fellow students to perfect their written work to the best of my ability. My honors and years of experience in professional and academic writing make me a great fit for writing as well as academic English teaching courses.
Q3: What is your favorite subject to teach and why?
What is your favorite subject to teach?
I don't have a heavy favorite, but the subject I lean towards is University Applications. Through uni apps, I feel I get to meet new students and learn a lot about them: their strengths, their academic goals, their professional vision, their life so far, etc. It gives me an inside look into many great young student's minds, which is always refreshing for me.
Q4: What is the most common problem you see on Chinese students when they are learning English language or writing their essays?
What are the most common questions you see when Chinese students study English or write essays?
The most common problem is familiarity with the English language. The level of vocabulary often times will not be at a satisfactory level for senior high school or university classes, which is where most of my essay editing takes place. Students always have great ideas and more or less can understand the text and their instructions very well, but (through no fault of their own) their lack of familiarity with academic English holds them back from expressing their brilliance and ideology to the best of their ability.
The most common problem is familiarity with English. Vocabulary levels are often not at a satisfactory level for high school or college courses.
Students always have good ideas and understand the text and their instructions more or less well, but their unfamiliarity with academic English prevents them from developing their talents and ideology.
Q5: What is your suggestion to your students on improving their writing skills?
What advice do you have for students' writing skills?
No matter what skill you want to improve, the best way to improve is to practice. The same goes for students who are struggling with academic writing, check out your sample texts and essays as well as exercises, exercises and exercises for more. Really the only way to succeed.
Q6: University application season is starting soon, any advice on how to do well in the supplementary applications?
The college application season is about to begin, what advice do you have on how to make a supplementary application?
Always try to be direct and concise in your answers, nobody wants to read fluff and unnecessary text.
Don't try to get close to the word limit, just make sure you get your point across well. The word limit is just a guideline, don't fill your answers with fluff and unnecessary words/sentences as applications departments will not want to read any more than they have to.
Always be honest in your answers. Don't try to write answers that you think Universities want to see and hear, write answers that genuinely reflect who you are and how you think. Giving them an honest look into your mindset and ideology is the best impression you can create for them, as being uniquely yourself is the best quality you will bring to any university you apply for.
Always try to be concise and clear , no one wants to read jumbled and unnecessary text.
Don't make up the word count to get close to the word limit , just make sure you get your point across. The word limit is only a guideline, please don't fill your answers with bluffs and unnecessary words/sentences, as the admissions department doesn't want to read more than it asks.
Answer honestly. Don't try to write answers that you think colleges want to see and hear, write answers that truly reflect who you are and what you think. Being honest with their mindset and ideology is the best impression you can make on them, as being unique is the highest quality you will bring to any college you apply to.
Q7: Some students want to know how to do the uni apps video interview classes? Could you please introduce the classes generally?
Some students wonder what is the uni apps video interview class? Can you briefly describe these courses?
The video interview classes have both a written and a video component. The written component are usually short answers that are about introducing yourself, your hobbies, your goals in life, what you want to accomplish in university, etc. Very general questions. The video questions are similar, but instead of a written format you make a short video and submit it. The video allows universities to see how well you deal with answering questions on the spot, and while the questions are fairly easy it allows for them to get an unfiltered look into how you can handle the pressure. Some universities also ask questions regarding current world issues or general topics, to get a sense of your worldview and what kind of mindset shapes the opinions you have. Again, more about them getting to know you better is the objective, not them looking for right or wrong answers.
Video interview courses have written and video components.
The written part is usually short answers, very general questions about yourself, your hobbies, your life goals, what you want to accomplish in college, etc.
Video questions are similar, but instead of writing, you can make a short video and submit it. The video allows colleges to see how competent you are at answering questions on the spot, and the questions are simple, but it gives them an unfiltered look at how to deal with stress. Some universities also ask questions about current world issues or general topics to understand your worldview and which mindset shapes your perspective. Again, the goal is to let them know more about you, not to find right or wrong answers.
Q8: What else do you want to say to your students from China? (Anything about life, university experience, story that impressed you or how to improve English etc. )
What else would you like to say to the students? (Anything about life, college experiences, stories that impressed you, or how to improve your English.)
I myself moved from an Asian country to Canada to pursue higher education, and the transition here was a big shock to my system. The social practices, how people think and operate, the openness of communities and belief systems, many things were much different from what I experienced in my early life. Living in Canada especially independently has taught me a lot about independence, but has also allowed me to find a place where I feel like I fit, where I belong. That is my biggest positive change; previously, I lived in a very traditional country that I never really felt too happy in or felt like I was a part of. The country itself is great, and there are many people including my whole family who absolutely love it, but it just never felt like the right place for me. Canada is far more independently progressive, which I think is much more to my taste. The opportunities I have been afforded here both professionally and personally have been a blessing for me.
University life will be very different from high school life, as the workload and responsibilities that will fall on your shoulders will be significantly larger. Despite being in classes with hundreds of people, University is far more independent compared to your prior school experiences, where the importance of being reliable and accountable for your own work is paramount. This includes being prepared for classes before they happen, learning materials in a timely manner and doing work with time to spare rather than anything last minute. Hard work and a good routine is just as important as knowledge and intelligence in college and university, so it's extremely important to build good habits and try your actual level best in order to succeed in this environment.
'I moved from an Asian country to Canada for higher education, and the transition here has had a big impact on my system. Social practices, the way people think and operate, the openness of communities and belief systems, many things are very different from what I experienced in my early years.
Living in Canada, especially being independent, has taught me a lot about independence, but it has also allowed me to find a place that is right for me, my own place. That was my biggest positive change.
Before, I lived in a very traditional country and never really felt happy or felt a part of me. This country is a great country in itself, and there are many people, including my entire family, who love this country very much, but there has never been a place for me.
Progress in Canada is more independent, which I think is more in line with me. Both professionally and personally, the opportunities I have here are very cherished for me.
College life will be very different from high school life because the workload and responsibilities on your shoulders will increase dramatically. Although taking classes with hundreds of people, college is much more independent than previous school experiences, where being reliable and accountable for one's work is crucial.
Thanks to Shadman mentor for sharing his feelings and experience with us,
In the future, Ulion Education will also bring you more high-quality interview content. I hope you will continue to pay attention~
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