Lecture introduction

We have successively prepared online lectures from different universities for you, and invited excellent seniors and sisters to introduce all aspects of their universities in detail. At the end of the lectures, there is a Q&A session. We have everything you want to know!

As Canada's most professional university planning application elite team, Uforse Education has very rich partners in the industry whether it is undergraduate/graduate application or the workplace.

First of all, as the official partner of the University of Western Ontario, Uforse will bring you lectures at Western University in the future! Uforse invites you to uncover its mystery together!

University of Western Ontario

The University of Western Ontario (referred to as UWO or Western), one of the most popular universities for studying in Canada, is a famous public university of medical doctoral degree located in London, Ontario, Canada, with more than 130 years of academic experience. Accumulated and profound human resources background, known as "the most beautiful university in Canada". It is best known for its business program and is one of the two birthplaces of North American case law education (the other being Harvard University).

Ivey School of Business

IVEY mainly focuses on case teaching, and is also the largest case producer except HBS. The major is only general management, and there are no branch majors such as finance and accounting. However, students can pursue specialized study in these areas through electives. Based on this, Ivey ranks among the top ten in the world in the professional ranking of general management. A considerable proportion of graduates enter the investment banking and consulting industry. Of course, there are also a large number of people who feel that this is not a personal interest and choose another way.

King's College

In the long historical evolution, some colleges were merged and divided according to the modern university settings and departments. But retains three unique academies, Huron, King, Breschel

高中规划背景提升Package - Uforse Education
高中规划背景提升Package - Uforse Education
High School Planning Background Enhancement Package

High School Planning Background Enhancement Package


Consult us for specific prices

Academic Advisor WeChat ID: UforseAC

Project Introduction:

Through the senior planners of Ulion (Ted Talk speaker, MBA of business school, Rotman Business School director and other famous school tutors), the students will be regularly and comprehensively planned, and academic goals will be set. , internship projects, business competitions and other participation quotas to ensure high-quality volunteer/internship/Project course opportunities for students, eliminate useless background improvement and waste time, and accurately provide high-value academic/non-academic background improvement activities for students’ professional needs.

Project Highlights:

- Conduct regular 1v1 planning sessions with senior planners from prestigious schools, and customize growth plans according to student goals

-All-round course selection planning and guidance, and issue a course selection report for the whole year

-Provide students with a variety of student union/society/volunteer/internship opportunities to enrich the background of university application

-Provide high-quality letters of recommendation, and have the opportunity to organize activities led by a Ulion planner

- Activity background sorting, personal resume sorting and follow-up

-Enjoy the VIP price of the background booster course

For people:

G10-G12 Students with weak application background and few extracurricular activities

Students who want to improve their leadership and practical ability by participating in high-quality background improvement projects

Students who are confused about major and university planning and need professional planners to plan and sort out