Uforse Volunteer Activities
MHMH work team MHMH psychological growth platform
We are an intergenerational interactive program of the Canadian Mental Health Mutual Help Center ( MHMH ). Since its official launch on August 29 , 2020 , we have been committed to connecting Chinese teenagers and elders and building a bridge between generations. This special project was initially funded by the Canadian federal government and the Canadian Red Cross, and was co-sponsored with community partners such as the Chinese North American Health Institute ( CNIW ) and the Canadian Youth Counseling Center ( WCCYC ).
Entrepreneurship Hub aims to provide a platform for start-ups to communicate and share. At Entrepreneurship Exchange events, entrepreneurs can exchange experiences and knowledge with each other and receive guidance and advice from professionals and successful entrepreneurs . By attending Startup Hub events, entrepreneurs can accelerate their entrepreneurial journey, build key partnerships , receive feedback and advice, and strengthen their personal and business brands .
Volunteer hours:
May 14, 2023 1:30-4:30 pm
Volunteer location:
205 Placer Court 2Floor, North York, ON, M2H 0A9